Saturday, October 29, 2005

Books I have read

format example
001 - number sequence
1981 007 01 - date finished reading
The Drifters - Title
James Michner - Author
F NF - Fiction, Non Fiction

Book List, Toms - Book List Brief
Number Year Month Date Title First Name Author F/NF
001 1981 07 01 The Drifters James Michner F
002 1981 07 01 The Crystal Cave Mary Stewart F
003 1981 07 01 The hollow Hills Mary Stewart F
004 1981 07 01 The Last Enchantment Mary Stewart F
005 1981 08 01 Gorki Park Not Recorded F
006 1981 08 01 The Lord Made Them All James Harriott F
007 1981 09 12 Shike - Time of the Dragons Robert Shea F
008 1981 09 18 Shike - Last of the Ninja Robert Shea F
009 1981 09 25 The Cradle Will Fall Mary Higgons Clark F
010 1981 10 02 The Rebecca Key Shea
011 1981 10 16 Congo not recorded F
012 1981 10 25 Suspicions Barbara Beacherman F
013 1981 11 05 Spy Master Donald Freed F
014 1981 11 18 Hidden Target McGinnes F
015 1981 11 21 Solo Jack Higgins F
016 1981 12 04 Mega Corp Johathen Black F
017 1981 12 12 Free Fall In Crimson John M Mc Donald F
018 1981 12 19 The Unborn David Shobin F
019 1981 12 26 Amazon Roy Sparkia
020 1982 01 05 Brain Robert Cook F
021 1982 01 18 Who's On First William Buckley, Jr F
022 1982 01 20 Wine of the Dreamers John MacDonald F
023 1982 01 30 The Tribe Bari Wood
024 1982 02 17 Night Probe Stephen King F
025 1982 02 22 Cujo Robert Elegant F
026 1982 03 05 Manchu Robert Elegant F
027 1982 03 20 Eagles Fly Sean Flannery F
028 1982 03 27 The Black Shrike Alastair Maclean F
029 1982 04 04 The Delta Decision Wilbur Smith F
030 1982 04 11 The Wind Chime Legacy A. W. Mykel F
031 1982 04 21 The Donors Leslie Alan & H. Harris Horvitz & Gerlard MD F
032 1982 05 04 Miss Fire Jonathan Evens F
033 1982 05 21 XPD Len Deighton F
034 1982 05 31 Raquela Ruth Gruber
035 1982 06 13 Cachalot Alan Dean Foster F
036 1982 06 18 Sphinx Robin Cook F
037 1982 07 01 Pilots Richard Freed F
038 1982 07 06 Liscense Renewed James Bond John Gardner F
039 1982 07 10 Random Track to Pekin Auston Ferguson
040 1982 07 16 Killer Peter Tonkin
041 1982 07 20 Final Harbor Harry Homewood
042 1982 07 23 81st Strike Tony Kenrick
043 1982 08 01 Fall Back Peter Niesemand
044 1982 08 16 The Prometheus Crisis Thomas & Frank Scortia & Robinson
045 1982 09 01 Azetec Gary Jennings
046 1982 09 25 Moscow 5000 David Grant
047 1982 09 30 London Calling North Pole H J Giskes
048 1982 10 10 The Montauk Fault Herbert Mitgang
049 1982 10 24 The Sunset Patriots Charles D Taylor
050 1982 10 30 The French Atlantic Affair Everest Layman
051 1982 11 04 Spear James Herbert F
052 1982 11 07 Apointment in Haiphong Nick Carter F
053 1982 11 17 Imperial 109 Richard Doyle F
054 1982 12 13 Space Jim Michner NF
055 1982 12 21 The Last Diagnosis not recorded
056 1983 01 03 The Deadly Frost Terrance Moan
057 1983 01 14 Pacific Vortex Clive Cussler F
058 1983 01 16 not recorded not recorded
059 1983 02 01 Alpha List Ted Allbeury F
060 1983 02 09 Night Probe Clive Cussler F
061 1983 02 14 Man on Fire A.J. Quinnel
062 1983 02 28 Air Scream John Bruce F
063 1983 03 05 Fever Robin Cook F
064 1983 03 11 Red Omega John Kruse F
065 1983 03 19 The Gold Crew T. N. & F. M. Scortia & Robinson
066 1983 03 22 River of Death Alastair Maclean F
067 1983 04 06 The Persifal Mosaic Robert Ludlum F
068 1983 04 26 For Special Services James Bond John Gardner F
069 1983 05 11 The Circle Steve Shagan
070 1983 05 30 Genesis W.A. Harbinson F
071 1983 06 03 Gold Mine Wilbur Smith F
072 1983 06 05 The Girl of the Sea of Cortez Peter Benchly F
073 1983 06 15 Sacketts Lonely on the Mountain Louis L'Amour F
074 1983 06 19 The Birds of Prey John Ralson Saul
075 1983 06 26 Tengu Wilbur Smith F
076 1983 07 16 Flight of the Flacon Wilbur Smith F
077 1983 07 26 Cry Wolf Wilbur Smith F
078 1983 08 02 Cinnamon Skin John D. MacDonald F
079 1983 08 08 Steel Tiger Stirling Silliphant
080 1983 08 16 God Player Robin Cook F
081 1983 08 28 In Search of Excellence Peterson NF
082 1983 09 07 Cathedral Nelson DeMille F
083 1983 09 22 Whale Jeremy Lucas
084 1983 10 03 The Glory Boys Gerald Seymore
085 1983 10 08 Master of the Game Sidney Sheldon
086 1983 10 12 Tree Frog not recorded
087 1983 11 08 The Hill of Summer Allen Drury F
088 1983 11 15 The Turqouise Lament John D. MacDonald F
089 1983 12 06 Of Wolves and Men Barry Holsten Lopez NF
090 1983 12 23 When the Lion Feeds Wilbur Smith F
091 1983 12 30 The Little Drummer Girl John Le Carre F
092 1984 01 11 Nerve Marshall Goldberg
093 1984 01 16 The Glow Brooks Stanwood
094 1984 01 30 Phoenix Amos & Eli Arictre & Landau F
095 1984 03 05 Lammas Night Katherine Kurtz F
096 1984 04 04 The Honourable School Boy John Le Carre F
097 1984 04 09 Hostage Tower Alistair Maclaean/ John Dennis F
098 1984 04 24 Winter Kills Richard Condon F
099 1984 05 24 The Valhala Exchange Harvey (Jack Higgons) Patterson F
100 1984 06 08 Cloak of Darkness Helen Mac Innes F
101 1984 07 01 Floodgate Alister Maclean F
102 1984 07 04 Run for the Trees James S Rand
103 1984 07 13 Icebracker James Bond John Gardner F
104 1984 07 20 Exocet Jack Higgins F
105 1984 08 10 Family Trades James Carrol
106 1984 08 30 Men of Men Wilbur Smith F
107 1984 09 14 The Wicked Day Mary Stewart
108 1984 09 24 Bale Fire Kenneth Goodard
109 1984 10 07 Red Square Ed & Fred Topel & Neznansky
110 1984 10 12 Rip Tide Donald Cheatham
111 1984 10 22 Chameleon William Dehl F
112 1984 11 05 Fire Fox Down Craig Thomas
113 1984 11 30 The Dangerous Edge Robert Daley F
114 1984 12 14 Monimbo Robert & Arovaud Moss & Deborcher
115 1984 12 30 Long Voyage Back Luke Rhinehart
116 1985 01 05 The Loo Sanction Trevanien
117 1985 01 20 Whistle James Jones F
118 1985 02 06 The Man from St Petersburg Ken Follett F
119 1985 02 13 The Prince of Berlin Dan Sherman
120 1985 02 20 The Brother Hood of the Rose David Morrell
121 1985 03 13 A view from the Square John Trenhale
122 1985 03 25 The Almighty Irving Wallace
123 1985 04 13 Once More Sunday John D MacDonald F
124 1985 05 09 Animal Farm George Orwell F
125 1985 06 05 Devil Horse Max Brand F
126 1985 06 25 Moscow rules Robert Moss
127 1985 06 29 The Nurses Story Carol Gino
128 1985 08 12 Armageddon Leon Uris
129 1985 08 19 Snow Flacon Craig Thomas
130 1985 08 30 Submarine John Winagate
131 1985 09 17 Yeager C & L. Yeager & Janos
132 1985 09 25 The Lonely Silver Run John D MacDonald F
133 1985 10 24 Ride a Pale Horse Helen Mac Innes F
134 1985 11 04 The Sunset Patriots Charles D Taylor
135 1985 11 26 First Loyalty Richard Lorie
136 1985 12 01 The Russian Woman Tom Hyman F
137 1985 12 09 Never Cry Wolf Farley Mowat
138 1985 12 29 The Angles Weep Wilbur Smith F
139 1986 01 18 The Hunt for Red October Tom Clancy F
140 1986 01 10 Mexico Set Len Deighton F
141 1986 02 20 Discovery Steve Shagan
142 1986 02 22 Mind Bend Robin Cook F
143 1986 03 17 San Andreas Alistair Maclean F
144 1986 03 25 Maxwells Train Christopher Hyde F
145 1986 04 03 One Police Plaza' William J Caunitz F
146 1986 04 08 Maxwells Train not recorded F
147 1986 04 13 Grand Master W & M Murphy & Cochran
148 1986 05 07 The French Atlantic Afair Ernest Lehanan
149 1986 07 15 Lake Woebegon Days Garrison Gelor F
150 1986 08 14 The Fourth Deadly Sin Lawrence Sanders
151 1986 09 07 Shanghai Christopher New
152 1986 10 04 Jian Eric Lustbader
153 1986 10 31 Paladin Brian Garfield F
154 1986 11 19 The Fourth Protocal Frederich Forsyth F
155 1986 12 01 The Target is Destroyed Seymour M. Hersh F
156 1987 01 19 Red Storm Rising Tom Clancy F
157 1987 03 01 Get off at Babylon M. Albert F
158 1987 03 18 Terminal Colin Forbes F
159 1987 05 25 Iacoca Lee Iacoca NF
160 1987 06 20 Deep Lie Stuart Woods
161 1987 07 18 Full Fathom Fire Bart Davis
162 1987 07 26 Stallion Gate Martin Cruz Smith
163 1987 09 17 Winter Hawk Craig Thomas
164 1987 09 28 Jaws, The Revenge Hawk Searls
165 1987 11 01 Code Ezra Gay Couter F
166 1987 11 24 Suspects William J Caunitz F
167 1987 12 04 Lie Down with the Lions Ken Follett F
168 1987 12 12 Flight of the Intruder Steven Coonts F
169 1987 12 17 Night of the Fox Jack HIggins F
170 1988 01 10 Patriot Games Tom Clancy F
171 1988 01 13 Diaster at Sea Thomas Helm NF
172 1988 01 20 Stone 588 Geralda Browne F
173 1988 02 08 You Must Remeber This Joyce Carol Oates F
174 1988 02 20 Bright Orange for the Shroud John D MacDonald F
175 1988 03 16 The Rising of the Moon William Martin
176 1988 04 08 Zorba the Greek Nikas Kazantzakis F
177 1988 04 21 Super Carrier George C Wilson
178 1988 04 25 The Prophet Kahil Gibian F
179 1988 05 07 Flight of the Old Dog Dale Brown NF
180 1988 06 03 The Gree Passion Nicholis Kazantzakis
181 1988 06 24 Quiller not recorded
182 1988 07 14 The 2 Faces of Robert Just Jeremy Scott
183 1988 07 20 The Black Shrike Alastair Maclean F
184 1988 07 31 Recovery Steven L Thompson
185 1988 08 15 Tass Is Authorized to Announce Julian Sem Yonov
186 1988 11 01 Tales of the Greek Isles not recorded
187 1988 12 01 Spy Cather Peter Wright
188 1989 01 04 The Lemon Eaters Jerry Sohl
189 1989 01 05 Zero Eric Van Lsbedor
190 1989 02 15 Intimate Enimies Carry Rivers
191 1989 02 28 North to the Pole Will & Paul Seger & Shurke
192 1989 03 15 The Cardnal of the Kremlin Tom Clancy F
193 1989 03 28 Ordeal Linda Lovelace With Jim McGrady NF
194 1989 03 30 Sayonara James Michner F
195 1989 06 27 Tales of Old Florida F & T Oppel & Meisel NF
196 1989 07 13 Silver Tower Dale Brown F
197 1989 07 19 For the Defense F Lee Baily F
198 1989 07 20 Half Moon Street not recorded F
199 1989 08 23 The Cruel Sea Nicholas Monasarrat
200 1989 09 04 Dead Low Tide John MacDonald F
201 1989 09 09 White Cargo Stuart Woods
202 1989 10 01 Sole Anthony Schiano
203 1989 10 24 Monimbo Robert & Arnaud Moss & Deborcher
204 1989 11 13 Tennesee Williams Harry Rasky
205 1989 11 30 Stark J & S Rovin & Diamond
206 1990 01 04 Rage Wilbur Smith F
207 1990 01 13 Target Stealth Jack Merek
208 1990 01 21 Santorini Alastar Maclean F
209 1990 02 12 Oikapi Fever Phillippe Diole F
210 1990 02 22 Day Before Midnite Stephen Hunter F
211 1990 03 15 A Bush at Ostrak Herbert Crowder F
212 1990 04 06 One Watch at a time (Drum) Skip Novak NF
213 1990 04 12 Close Pursuit not recorded F
214 1990 04 30 80 Years of Yachting Bill Robinson
215 1990 05 26 The Russia House John Le Carre F
216 1990 06 30 Hunters Run Gayle Rivers
217 1990 07 20 Windtrack Bnard Cornwell F
218 1990 08 12 Polar Star Mrtin Cruz Smith
219 1990 08 31 Wild Cat Craig Thomas
220 1990 09 01 Down to a Sunless Sea David Graham F
221 1990 09 23 Bright Star Harold Gayle F
222 1990 11 02 Clear and Present Danger Tom Clancy F
223 1990 12 29 A Tan and Sandy Silence John D MacDonald F
224 1991 01 03 The Great Pyramid Piazza Smyth
225 1991 01 04 Legacy James Michner F
226 1991 01 30 A Watch for evil Carol Keith
227 1991 03 29 Earth David Brin
228 1991 04 14 The Silence of the Lambs Thomas Harris F
229 1991 05 12 The Monkey Handlers G Gordon Liddy
230 1991 05 18 The Eagle has Flown Jack Higgins F
231 1991 05 29 Outbreak Robin Cook F
232 1991 06 14 The Clan of the Cave Bear Jean M Auel F
233 1991 06 24 A Dirty Distanct War E M Natanson
234 1991 07 01 The Minotair Stephen Coonts F
235 1991 07 15 Dragon Clive Cussler F
236 1991 07 23 Tango Key Alison Drake F
237 1991 08 01 Message from Nam Danielle Steel
238 1991 08 17 The Ardennes Tapes Timothy B Benford F
239 1991 08 28 Beast Peter Benchly F
240 1991 09 22 Valley of the Horses Jean M Auel F
241 1991 09 28 The White Jaguar William Appel F
242 1991 10 08 Countdown David Hagberg
243 1991 10 16 Loves Music Loves to Dance Marry Higgins Clark F
244 1991 `10 30 Eleni Nicholas Gage
245 1991 11 07 Sullivans Sting Lawarence Sanders
246 1991 12 19 Confessional Jack Higgins F
247 1991 12 21 Death Hunt David Thompson
248 1992 01 14 Disaster at Bari Glenn B Innfield
249 1992 02 17 The Secret Pilgrim John Le Carre F
250 1992 03 30 The Firm John Grisham F
251 1992 05 09 The Sum of all Fears Tom Clancy F
252 1992 05 27 Spy Sinker Len Deighton F
253 1992 05 31 The Mammouth Hunters Jean M Auel F
254 1992 06 13 North SAR Gerry Carroll F
255 1992 08 11 The Plains of Passage Jean Auel F
256 1992 09 17 Power of the Sword Wilbur Smith F
257 1992 10 02 The Delta Star Joseph Wambaugh F
258 1992 11 07 A Time to Kill John Grisham F
259 1992 12 08 Wind Chill Factor Thomas Gifford F
260 1992 12 20 Red Dragon Thomas Harris F
261 1993 01 11 Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee Dee Dee Brown NF
262 1993 01 22 The Doomsday COnspiracy not recorded F
263 1993 02 06 Prussion Blue Tom Hyman F
264 1993 02 14 Bahamas Blue D C Poyer F
265 1993 03 13 Rising Sun Michael Chrichton F
266 1993 03 31 Principal Defense Gini Hartzmark F
267 1993 04 20 Rogue Warror Richard Marchinko F
268 1993 05 02 Expert Testimony Grif Stockley
269 1993 05 12 Compelling Evidence Steve Mortini
270 1993 05 26 Pretorian Thomas Gifford F
271 1993 06 12 Jurassic Park Michael Chrichton F
272 1993 06 20 A Gypsy Life Clare Allcard F
273 1993 06 27 Target Tokyo Gordon W Prange
274 1993 07 05 The Generals Daughter Nelson Demille F
275 1993 07 10 Hunger William R Dantz F
276 1993 07 19 The Red Horseman Stephen Coonts F
277 1993 07 25 The Gift Kirk Douglas F
278 1993 09 12 Great True Spy Stories Allen Dulles NF
279 1993 09 15 Oh - Oh Robert Fulghum F
280 1993 10 21 Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Robert M Pirsig NF
281 1993 11 23 Every Spy a Prince Don & Yossi Riva & Melman
282 1993 12 05 The Night Tokyo Burned Hoito Edoin
283 1993 12 13 Where is Jjoe Merchant Jimmy Buffet NF
284 1993 12 17 General Custers Final Hours Roger Darling NF
285 1993 12 28 The Fire Dream Franklin Allen Leib
286 1994 01 22 Without Remorse Tom Clancy F
287 1994 02 19 State vs Justice Gallatin Wakfield
288 1994 03 21 The Puzzle Palace James Bamford F
289 1994 04 16 Tainted Evidence Robert Baley F
290 1994 04 30 Deep Cover Michael Levine
291 1994 05 23 The Last Spy Bob Reiss
292 1994 05 28 Rogue Warrier II Red Cell Richard & John Marcinko & Weisman F
293 1994 06 04 Red Sky at Night John Barrington F
294 1994 06 14 Interest of Justice Nancy Taylor Rosenberg
295 1994 06 30 The Soul of a New Machine Tracey Kidder NF
296 1994 07 12 Fever Pitch Nick Hornby NF
297 1994 07 23 One Mas Law John Clarkson F
298 1994 08 15 The Feast of All Saints Ann Rice
299 1994 08 27 The Lost Contenent Travels in Small Town America Bill Bryson NF
300 1994 09 10 Criminal Seduction Darian North
301 1994 09 23 The Vets not recorded
302 1994 10 04 River God Wilbur Smith F
303 1994 10 24 Last Train From Berlin W T Tyler
304 1994 10 30 Bridges of Madison County Walla?
305 1994 10 14 River of Hidden Dreams Connie May Fowler F
306 1994 11 26 Siezing the Enigma David Kahn
307 1994 12 16 Disclosure Michael Crichton F
308 1994 12 18 Trail of Tears John Ehle NF
309 1994 12 29 The Day After Tomorrow Alan Folsom F
310 1994 12 30 Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe Fannie Flag F
311 1995 01 08 None To Accompany Me Nadine Gardiner
312 1995 01 17 The Dork of Cork Chet Raymo
313 1995 01 31 I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Maya Angeou NF
314 1995 02 06 Powers of Attorney Mimi Lavenda Litt
315 1995 02 17 Due North Mitchell Smith
316 1995 02 24 Rocking the Babies Linda Raymond
317 1995 02 24 Sheba Jack Higgins F
318 1995 03 05 Gone K T Craig F
319 1995 03 12 Hour of the Manatee E C Ayres F
320 1995 04 05 Investment Biker Jim Rogers
321 1995 04 12 Sahara Clive Cussler F
322 1995 04 23 Beath by Education: Anatomy of Bill Wieser NF
323 1995 05 03 Final Approach John J Nance F
324 1995 05 07 Judgement Call Suzy Wetlaufer F
325 1995 05 20 The Americas West Dee Dee Brown NF
326 1995 05 22 Relativity Gerald E Tauber
327 1995 05 24 Leopard Richard La Plante F
328 1995 05 27 Mantis Richard La Plante F
329 1995 05 28 Prime Suspect Linda La Plante F
330 1995 06 04 The Ransom of Black Stealth One Dean Ing F
331 1995 06 11 The Bourne Supremacy Robert Ludlum F
332 1995 06 24 Shame of Man Piers anthony F
333 1995 06 26 Monster Truck & Hair in a Can Bill Geist F
334 1995 07 07 Courier Services not recorded NF
335 1995 07 15 Isle of Woman Piers Anthony F
336 1995 07 20 Butcher Bird Dean Ing F
337 1995 07 22 Rule of the Bone Russel Banks F
338 1995 07 25 White Shark Peter Benchley F
339 1995 08 08 The Mathematical Universe William Donham
340 1995 08 09 Trinity Leon Uris F
341 1995 08 14 Forosa Straights Anthony Hyde F
342 1995 08 23 Cry to Heavan Ann Rice F
343 1995 08 27 Every Living Thing James Harriot F
344 1995 08 27 The Night Nanager John Le Carre F
345 1995 09 07 Murder on the Aisle Mary Higgins Clark F
346 1995 09 08 Lie with Lions Ken Follett F
347 1995 09 08 Final Appeal Lisa Scottoline F
348 1995 09 16 Redemption Leon Uris F
349 1995 09 26 Cold Cold Heart James Elliot F
350 1995 10 14 Night Over the Solomons Louis L'Amour F
351 1995 10 15 China White Peter Maas F
352 1995 10 23 Beyound the Sea of ICe William Sarbande F
353 1995 10 26 Braveheart Randall Wallace F
354 1995 10 30 1968 Joe Holdeman
355 1995 11 05 A Dogs Life Peter Mayle F
356 1995 11 08 The Hot Zone Richard Preston F
357 1995 11 19 The Devils Backbone Jonathan Daniels NF
358 1995 11 21 Totch 'Life in the Everglades' Loren G 'Totch' Brown NF
359 1995 11 28 The Cuckoo's Egg Clifford Stoll F
360 1995 11 29 The Paper Men William Golden F
361 1995 12 03 Thief of Light David Ramus F
362 1995 12 16 Deep Black William E Burrows NF
363 1996 01 01 The Last Picture Show Lary McMurtry F
364 1996 01 24 Stormy Weather Carl Hiaasen F
365 1996 01 20 Einsteins Dreams Alan Lightman F
366 1996 01 30 The Code Breakers David Kahn
367 1996 02 05 Puerto Vallarta Squeeze Robert James Weller F
368 1996 02 12 The Last Leutenant John J Gobbell
369 1996 02 16 The Lost World Michail Chrichton F
370 1996 02 24 Charles Kuralts America Charles Kuralts NF
371 1996 03 07 Panama Eric Zancey
372 1996 03 18 Principal Defense Gini Hartzmark F
373 1996 03 28 Iron Gate Richard Herman Jr F
374 1996 04 05 The Voyage Robert MacNeil F
375 1996 04 25 Chaos James Gleick NF
376 1996 05 13 The Sevent Scroll Wilbur Smith F
377 1996 05 20 TheLlow End of Nowhere Michael Stone F
378 1996 05 21 The Mulching of America Harry Crews
379 1996 05 27 The Heat Islands Randy Wayne White F
380 1996 06 02 The Bloody Ground Bernard Cornwell F
381 1996 06 05 The Man Who Invented America Randy Wayne White
382 1996 06 20 After the Glory Helen Toping Miller
383 1996 07 01 The Black Yacht John Baxter F
384 1996 07 10 A Season on the Brink John Feinstein NF
385 1996 08 17 Dead Mans Walk Larry McMurtry F
386 1996 07 24 Armadillos and Old Lace Kinky Friedman F
387 1996 09 02 A Prayer for Owen Meany John Irving F
388 1996 09 04 Vertical Run Joseph R Garber F
389 1996 09 17 Lonesome Dove Larry McMurtry F
390 1996 09 26 Streets of Larado Larry McMurtry F
391 1996 10 05 River Thorp Thorp
392 1996 10 23 Fortune and Latour M A Mac Donald F
393 1996 10 30 Shock Wave Clive Cussler F
394 1996 11 02 Setting Free the Bears John Irving F
395 1996 11 03 Throwback Frank C Steunk F
396 1996 11 11 Karma Mitchell Smith F
397 1996 11 12 Seven Summits Frank K w/ R. Wells w/ Ridgeway
398 1996 12 18 Under the Black Flag David Cordingly F
399 1996 12 30 The Trail Blazers Time Life Books
400 1997 01 08 Yesterday I lived in Paridise Myrtle Scharer Betz Betz NF
401 1997 01 24 People of the Silence Kathleen Micheal Gear
402 1997 02 24 Snow Falling On Cedars David Guterson F
403 1997 03 21 The Bear Went Over the mountain William Katz Winkle F
404 1997 03 25 Executive Orders Tom Clancy F
405 1997 03 01 X Files Ruins Kevin J Anderson F
406 1997 03 01 If I Ever Get Bact To Ga. Lewis Grizzard F
407 1997 03 01 Riding the Brand Louis L'Amour F
408 1997 04 01 The Horse Whisperer Nicholas Evans
409 1997 04 02 Bre Ware K & M Lutzen & Stevens
410 1997 04 15 Red Roe Run Alan Frederiksen F
411 1997 04 23 Ghosts of the Green Swamp Lee Gramling F
412 1997 04 30 Extinct Charles Wilson F
413 1997 05 03 Geronimo Edgar Wyatt
414 1997 05 06 Like Judgement Day Da M & Rosewood D'Orso & Singleton F
415 1997 05 14 Elephant Song Wilbur Smith F
416 1997 06 01 The Navigator Frank G Slaughter F
417 1997 06 13 CIA Andrew Tully
418 1997 06 28 The Peking Target Adam Hall F
419 1997 07 26 Cauldron Larry Bond F
420 1997 08 20 The Paper Dragon Evan Hunter F
421 1997 08 25 The Quick Rdd Fox John MacDonald F
422 1997 09 05 Contact Carl Sagan F
423 1997 09 09 Ignition Kevin J & Doug Anderson & Benson F
424 1997 09 27 Birds of Prey Wilbur Smith F
425 1997 10 13 How to Become a Consultant not recorded NF
426 1997 10 20 A Dogs Life Peter Mayle F
427 1997 10 20 The Deep Blue Goddbye John MacDonald F
428 1997 10 26 Moby Dick, The Whale Herman Melville F
429 1997 11 24 My Brother Sam is Dead James & Christopher Collier F
430 1997 11 25 A Brief History of Time Stephan W Hawking NF
431 1997 11 25 Accidental Empires Robert Gringley
432 1997 12 21 Buzz Cut James Hall F
433 1997 12 24 Red Sky at Night James Hall F
434 1998 02 21 Angelas Ashes Frank Mc Court F
435 1998 03 01 How Few Remain Harry Turtledove
436 1998 03 21 Cold Mountain Charles Frazier F
437 1998 04 03 The Perfect Storm Sebastian Junger NF
438 1998 04 08 Whee the River Meets the Sky Greg Kleiner F
439 1998 04 19 Sole Survivor Dean Koontz
440 1998 04 28 The Clinic Jonathan Kellerman F
441 1998 05 17 Killing Mr Watson Peter Matthiessen F
442 1998 06 02 The Shipping News Annie Proulx F
443 1998 06 17 Lost Mans river Peter Mathiessen F
444 1998 07 14 Bright Orange for the Shroud John MacDonald F
445 1998 07 21 The Honorable Shoolboy John Le Carre F
446 1998 07 09 Gulag Sean Flannery
447 1998 07 21 Birdy William Wharton
448 1998 07 01 The Postman David Brin F
449 1998 08 10 The Ashley Book of Knots Clifford Ashley NF
450 1998 08 10 String Figures and How to Make Them Caroline Furness Jayne NF
451 1998 08 11 Post Cards Anne Proulx F
452 1998 08 13 The End of the Road Boddet F
453 1998 08 22 The Cruel Sea Nicholas Monsarrant F
454 1998 08 26 Under the Sweet Water Rim Louis L Amour F
455 1998 08 26 The Fortunet Pilgram Mario Puzo
456 1998 09 01 Rainbow Six Tom Clancey F
457 1998 09 05 The Last Farmer Howard Kohn NF
458 1998 09 07 The Witness Web Griffass F
459 1998 06 29 The Unsinkable Daniel Annen Butler NF
460 1998 09 24 Bright Shark Robert & Tony Ballad & Chiu F
461 1998 09 28 Monuement Rock Louis L Amour F
462 1998 10 13 Stalk and Kill Adrian Gilbert F
463 1998 10 20 Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Robert M Pirsig NF
464 1998 10 27 Comet of the Century Fred Schaaf
465 1998 10 28 Hostile Waters Peter & Igor & Alan Huchthausen & Kurden &White
466 1998 10 30 Yes We Have No Neutrons A K Dewdney
467 1998 11 02 Trail From St Augustine Lee Gramling
468 1998 11 11 Barier Island John D MacDonald F
469 1998 11 26 Longitude Dava Sobel
470 1998 12 01 Deep Blue Goodbye John D MacDonald F
471 1998 12 02 Crossfire Trail Louis L Amour F
472 1998 11 27 Deep Sting Charles D Taylor
473 1998 12 06 The Acadians Robvert E Wall
474 1998 12 13 The Rape of Nanking Iris Chang
475 1999 01 19 A Pirate looks at Fifty Jimmy Buffett NF
476 1999 02 18 Leaning Toward Infinity Sue Woolfe NF
477 1999 03 07 Death of Outrage William J Bennett NF
478 1999 03 20 The Red Wind R Karl Largent F
479 1999 03 22 A Walk Through The Woods J Bryson NF
480 1999 04 04 The Master Mariner Nicholas Monsarret NF
481 1999 04 23 Merlins Kin Josepha Sherman F
482 1999 05 30 Cross Road Blues Ace Atkins F
483 1999 05 11 Payback Thomas Kelley F
484 1999 06 04 Quarrys List Max Allen Collins F
485 1999 06 16 A Man in Full Tom Wolfe F
486 1999 07 07 Rip Tide Douglas & Lincoln Preston & Child F
487 1999 07 08 Goudi Afternoon Barbara Wilson F
488 1999 08 13 Zeke and Ned Larry McMurtry F
489 1999 08 19 Silent Spring Rachel Carson NF
490 1999 08 28 Private Pleasures Lawrence Sanders F
491 1999 07 20 Journey to Jo'burg Beverly Noidoze NF
492 1999 09 15 The White Bone Barbara Cowdy F
493 1999 09 20 All the Pretty Horses- The Border Trilogy I Cormac McCarthy F
494 1999 10 03 The Crossing- II Cormac McCarthy F
495 1999 10 07 Cities of the Plain III Cormac McCarthy F
496 1999 10 11 Pioneer Family Michel Osterriecher NF
497 1999 12 04 Hunters Run Gaye Rivers F
498 1999 12 13 The Sorcers Stone Harry Potter JK Rowling F
499 1999 12 28 Bright Star (The Way to -) Dee Brown NF
500 2000 01 24 Deep Black William E Burrows NF
501 2000 02 12 The Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter JK Rowling F
502 2000 02 11 Single and Single John Le Carre F
503 2000 03 10 Bush Rat Govenor (Tales of) Jay Hammon NF
504 2000 04 10 Prisoner of Azkaban - Harry Potter JK Rowling F
505 2000 04 26 The Great and Secret Show Clive Barker F
506 2000 05 03 Witness to War Charles Clements MD NF
507 2000 05 16 Walter Benjamin at the Dairy Queen Larry McMurtry F
508 2000 06 01 Great Feuds in Science Hall Hellerman NF
509 2000 06 09 Striptease Carl Hiaasen F
510 2000 06 19 Sick Puppy Carl Hiaasen F
511 2000 06 28 Hours of Gladness Thomas Fleming F
512 2000 07 06 Spencerville Nelson Demille NF
513 2000 07 20 The Ugly American F
514 2000 07 28 They Call Me Agnes Fred W Voget NF
515 2000 08 15 Hannibal Thomas Harris F
516 2000 08 19 Red Dragon Thomas Harris F
517 2000 08 25 The Fire Theft Mark Graham F
518 2000 09 03 Blind Mans Bluf Sherry & Christopher Sontag & Drew NF
519 2000 09 19 At Play in the Fields of the Lord Peter Matthiessen F
520 2000 09 29 Seachange James Powlils F
521 2000 11 21 The Goblet of Fire- Harry Potter JK Rowling F
522 2000 12 01 A Time to Kill John Grisham F
523 2000 12 15 Biting the Moon Martha Grimes F
524 2000 12 20 Long After Midnight Iris Johansen F
525 2000 12 25 The Face of Deception Iris Johansen F
526 2000 10 01 Shiloh Autumn Bodie & Brook Thoene F
527 2001 01 19 In the Heart of the Sea Nathaniel Philbrick NF~
528 2001 01 21 The Terrible Hours Peter Maas NF
529 2001 01 29 Spy Catcher Peter Wright NF
530 2001 02 17 Sharps Fortress Bernard Cornwell F
531 2001 04 02 Nothing Like it in the World Stephen E Ambrose NF
532 2001 04 06 The Black Sea Richard Satlowe F
533 2001 04 17 Ring of Red Roses Eddy Shah F
534 2001 04 27 Capitol Punishment Ryne Douglas Pearson F
535 2001 05 09 Crows Parlimament Jack Curtis F
536 2001 05 15 Scorpion in the Sea PT Deautermann F
537 2001 05 31 Longrider Mark Edmonds NF
538 2001 06 08 The Seventh Scroll Wilbur Smith F
539 2001 06 14 Days of Drums Philip Shelby F
540 2001 06 21 Fast Food Nation Eric Schlosser NF
541 2001 06 29 The Killer Angels Mechael Shaara NF
542 2001 07 10 The Trench Steve Alten F
543 2001 07 16 You Just Don't Understand Deborah Tanner PHD NF
544 2001 07 20 Death Train (Allister MaCleans) Alastair MacNeil F
545 2001 07 24 Prussian Blue Tom Hyiman F
546 2001 08 06 Dark Rivers of the Heart Dean Koontz F
547 2001 08 12 The Rainmaker John Grisham F
548 2001 08 21 Gost Solders Hampton Sides F
549 2001 09 10 Body of Secrets James Bradford NF
550 2001 09 27 Warlock Wilbur Smith F
551 2001 10 04 Leav'n Trunk Blues Ace Atkins F
552 2001 11 09 The Bretheran John Grisham F
553 2001 11 09 How Stella Got Her Groove Back Terry Mcmillan F
554 2001 11 16 Thunderbolt Lewis Sorley NF
555 2001 11 24 Cold Cold Heart James Elliot F
556 2001 12 01 Gold Rush Women Claire & Jane Murphy & Haigh NF
557 2001 12 06 Mayday Nelson & Thoma DeMille & Block F
558 2001 12 13 Patient Michael Palmer F
559 2001 12 13 The Apache Medicine Elmore Leonard F
560 2001 12 13 McNally's Chance Lawrence Sanders F
561 2002 01 14 Pale Blue Dot Carl Sagan NF
562 2001 12 18 Sole Survivor Derek Hansen F
563 2001 12 27 Day of Confession Allan Folsom F
564 2002 01 08 The Wild Blue Stephen Ambrose NF
565 2002 01 17 Under the Eye of the Storm John Hersey F
566 2002 01 18 Special Agent Candice DeLong NF
567 2002 02 05 Fatherland Robert Harris F
568 2002 02 13 The Lost White Tribes Orizio Riccardo NF
569 2002 02 18 The Last Day Glenn Kleier F
570 2002 02 20 Warrior Class Dale Brown F
571 2002 03 08 Lucky You Carl Hiaasen F
572 2002 03 12 Blood and Honor W.E.B. Griffin F
573 2002 03 29 Floaters Joseph Wambaugh F
574 2002 03 31 When The Elephants Dance Tess Uriza Holthe F
575 2002 05 04 Silent Night ? not recorded NF
576 2002 05 15 Esau Philip Kerr F
577 2002 06 01 Possessions Judith Michael F
578 2002 06 20 Crow Lake Mary Lawson F
579 2002 07 18 Some Can Whistle Larry McMurtry F
580 2002 09 12 The Hobbit J.R.R. Tolkien F
581 2002 10 27 The Fellowship of the Ring Book 1 LotR J.R.R. Tolkien F
582 2002 11 27 The Two Towers J.R.R. Tolkien F
583 2002 12 08 The Return of the Ring J.R.R. Tolkien F
584 2002 12 18 Fateful Harvest Duff Wilson NF
585 2002 12 20 Up Country Neson Demille F
586 2002 12 26 The Experiment John Darnton F
587 2003 01 11 Caramelo Sandra Cisneros F
588 2003 01 14 The Tower Gregg Andrew Hurwitz F
589 2003 01 18 Dutch Mans Flat + 4 others Lois L'Amour F
590 2003 01 28 Black Hawk Down Mark Bowden NF
591 2003 02 03 Blue Highways Least Heat Moon NF
592 2003 02 07 Gentleman Rogue Matt Braun F
593 2003 02 08 Slant of the Wind Garland Roark F
594 2003 02 12 Wings of Fire Dale Brown F
595 2003 02 15 The Sea's Bitter Harvest Douglas A Campbell NF
596 2003 02 21 North of Nowhere Steve Hamilton F
597 2003 02 26 Hornet Flight Ken Follett F
598 2003 03 03 See No Evil Robert Baer NF
599 2003 03 08 Death Roll Sam Llewellyn F
600 2003 03 09 The Lions Of Lucerne Brad Thor F
601 2003 03 19 A Painted House John Grisham F
602 2003 03 30 Whistlers Angel John R. Maxim F
603 2003 04 05 Lonely Trumpet Johnny D Boggs F
604 2003 05 07 Isle of Dogs Patricia Cornwell F
605 2003 06 16 Guns, Germa, and Steel Jared Diamond NF
606 2003 07 16 Avoiding Armageddon Martin Schram NF
607 2003 07 23 Basilica William D Montalbano F
608 2003 07 29 Along Came a Spider James Patterson F
609 2003 08 21 The Stainless Steel Rat Harry Harrison F
610 2003 09 14 Verdict The Chronicle of the OJ Simpson Trial Linda Michael Deutsch Fleeman NF
611 2003 09 22 Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix J K Rowling F
612 2003 11 11 The Battle for God Karen Armstrong NF
613 2003 11 13 The Big Dig Linda Barnes F
614 2003 11 15 Valley of the Wandering River Ray Hogan F
615 2003 11 23 North of Hope Jon Hassler F
616 2003 12 01 Hungry as the Sea Wilbur Smith F
617 2003 12 05 Blood is the Sky Steve Hamilton F
618 2003 12 14 The Teeth of the Tiger Tom Clancy F
619 2003 12 16 Eagle in the Sky F. van Wyck Mason F
620 2003 12 19 Stalking Moon David Cole F
621 2003 12 31 The Hornets Nest Jimmy Carter F
622 2004 01 07 Fool's Gold Ken Hodgson F
623 2004 01 16 A Grave Denied Dana Starenow F
624 2004 01 19 A Mighty Heart Mariane Pearl NF
625 2004 01 24 The Plan Stephen J Cannell F
626 2004 02 06 Air Battle Force Dale Brown F
627 2004 02 22 River Horse William Least Heat - Moon NF
628 2004 02 26 Women at Ground Zero Susan; Mary Hagen: Carouba NF
629 2004 03 01 One hundred yeas of solitude gabriel garcia Marquez F
630 2004 03 10 Dark Winter William Dietrich F
631 2004 04 22 We Alaskans Sharon Bushell NF
632 2004 04 27 Last Goodbye Reed Arvin F
633 2004 03 19 Ghost Riders Sharyn Mc Crumb F
634 2004 05 06 The Falcon and the Snowman Robert Lndsey NF
635 2004 05 10 Liar's Market Taylor Smith F
636 2004 05 13 The Master Book of Spies Donald McCormick NF
637 2004 05 27 The Mapmakers Wife Robert Whitaker NF
638 2004 06 05 A Death in Vienna Daniel Silva F
639 2004 06 11 English Assasin Daniel Silva F
640 2004 06 16 The Confessor Daniel Silva F
641 2004 06 23 The Kill Artist Daniel Silva F
642 2004 07 04 Mescalero Dawn Jade Logan F
643 2004 07 05 The Singing Fire Lilian Nattel F
644 2004 07 13 Bad Men John Connolly F
645 2004 07 19 The Unlikely Spy Daniel Silva F
646 2004 07 23 The Marching Season Daniel Silva F
647 2004 08 10 the Shining Badge Gilbert Morris F
648 2004 08 14 The Mark of the Assassin Daniel Silva F
649 2004 08 21 Basket Case Carl Hiaasen F
650 2004 08 28 Skinny Dip Carl Hiaasen F
651 2004 08 29 Ice Reich William Dietrich F
652 2004 09 05 Something's Down There Mickey Spillane F
653 2004 09 12 McNally's Dare Lawrence - Vincent Sanders -by - Lardo F
654 2004 10 01 Absolute Friends John Le Carre F
655 2004 10 16 The Da Vinci Code Dan Brown F
656 2004 10 28 Tuxedo Park Jennant Conant NF
657 2004 11 13 Monte Cristo Alexandre Dumas F
658 2004 11 23 Eygptologist Arthur Phillips F
659 2004 12 05 Saints Rest Thomas Gifford F
660 2004 12 09 Shock Robin Cook F
661 2004 12 13 A Day to Pick Your Cotton Michael Phillips F
662 2004 12 16 Transfer of Power Vince Flynn F
663 2004 12 22 The Cloud Atlas Liam Callanan F
664 2004 12 27 The Rope Eater Ben Jones F
665 2005 01 06 Close Range Wyoming Stories Annie Proulx F
666 2005 01 07 Fatal Harvest Catherine Palmer F
667 2005 01 12 McNallys Luck Lawrence Sanders F
668 2005 01 15 Hot Target Suzanne Brockmann F
669 2005 01 16 Cinnamon Skin John MacDonald F
670 2005 01 18 That Old Ace in the Hole Annie Proulx F
671 2005 01 21 the christmas train David Baldacci F
672 2005 01 27 Into Thin Air Jon Krakauer NF
673 2005 02 02 The Fighting Agents W.E.B. Griffin NF
674 2005 02 05 White Ted Dekker F
675 2005 02 12 Justice For None Gene, Daniel Hackman Lenihan F
676 2005 02 14 Ambush at Fort Bragg Tom Wolfe F
677 2005 02 15 Ice Run Steve Hamilton F
678 2005 02 23 Riders of the Purple Sage Zane Grey F
679 2005 03 01 Call for the Deal John Le Carre F
680 2005 03 07 Our Game John Le Carre F
681 2005 03 18 The Looking Glass War John Le Carre F
682 2005 03 27 Flashpoint Suzanne Brockmann F
683 2005 04 12 Metropolis Elizabeth Gaffney F
684 2005 04 22 In the Comany of Soldiers Rick Atkinson NF
685 2005 04 24 At Risk Stella Rimington F
686 2005 04 29 Prince of Fire Daniel Silva F
687 2005 05 07 Saving Cascadia John J Nance F
688 2005 05 26 Movig On Jane Candia Coleman F
689 2005 06 07 Angels & Demons Dale Brown F
690 2005 06 14 Light on Snow Anita Shreve F
691 2005 07 11 The Edge Catherine Coulter F
692 2005 07 12 Alibi Joseph Kanon F
693 2005 07 18 Sacred Rage Robin Wright NF
694 2005 07 29 Soldiers and Slaves Roger Cohen NF
695 2005 08 28 The Unknown American Revolution Gary B Nash NF
696 2005 09 06 Sandstorm James Rollins F
697 2005 10 22 Rising Tide John M Barry NF
698 2005 11 05 Dangerous Ground Larry Bond F
699 2005 11 16 Hawkes Harbor S. E. Hinton F
700 2005 11 19 Legion of the Lost Jaime Salazar NF
701 2005 11 30 The ForgottenMan Robert Crais F
The following did not fit directly into the list--
1996 08 17 Evangeline Henry Longfellow F
2002 08 14 The Shelters of Stone Jean M. Auel F
2005 01 26 In America Susan Sontag F
1997 02 04 Economics in one Lesson not recorded NF